Kedi Products/Drugs Additional Information
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Here are the additional information information that you may need on Kedi Healthcare Products/drugs that may not be found in the product description. It is an additional information that may be helpful to the products, its usage and benefits.
Healthcare Massager Equipment
Massage handicraft+Hi-Tech
Chinese massage, also known as tunia, uses both acupressure and massage practices to massage the body, Acupressure is atechnique that uses the mapping of meridians throughout the body rto help bring the body’s energies back into balance. Western massage techniques use knowledge of the body’s muscular system to apply pressure to tension points. There are several health benefits to massage.
Increased Energy
Massage helps unblock the body’s meridians and allows energy to flow more smoothly within the body. The practice of western massage to relax the muscles also helps release tension throughout the body. This increases overall energy and reduces stress.
Improved Immune System
Massage can help stimulate the immune system by increasing the flow of energy, which reduces stress and increases healing. This is accomplished through balancing the body’s energies, releasing tension in the body’s muscles and joints, and improving the body’s elimination of waste. In addition, overall circulation is improved following massage and the lymphatic system may perform better.
Improved Muscle Tone
Chinese massage incorporates massaging the soft tissues in the body, which can increase muscle tone and relax painful, knotted muscles and ligaments. The massage may only affect the muscles that lie directly underneath the skin or may incorporate a more deep-tissue massage. As a result, muscles relax and rebuild. Repeated sessions of massage may result in improved muscles and appearance.
Golden Six
Golden Six is amongst the most regarded ancient Chinese herbal formula. Today, it is widely used to nourish Yin of the Yin-Yang principles and it is the foundation for many other Chinese medicine, Yin is the womanish and negative is the mannish and positive principle of Yin-Yang whereas Yang is the mannish and positive principle. A robust interaction and balance of Yin-Yang forms the basis of a good health.
A diminished Yin can be shown as sweat, low fever, dizziness, tinnitus, emission, and soreness in the lower back etc. Yin weakness occurs with age, sexuality, or chronic diseases.
Health Benefit
- It relieves back pain caused by Kidney-Yin deficiency
- It relieves menopausal disorder which some of the symptoms are heavy fever hot flush, sweating, palpitation, and insomnia.
- It relieves type II diabetes.
- It relieves stroke sequela by releasing such syndromes as language barrier, deflection of mouth etc.
- It takes care of fatigue which could be caused by work stress and pressures.
- It boosts immune system.
- It protects against accelerated aging.
- It helps to lower blood sugar, blood fat and blood pressure.
- It smoothens the nerves and improves the functions of the kidney.
- It is helpful for female infertility and menstrual cramp.
Health Benefit
- Weight Control: Low calorie, an excellent source of dietary fiber, assists in weight control. When ingested, Magilim turns into a gel-like substance able to expand up to fifty times its weight, causing a feeling of fullness, which prevents excessive eating. At first, after ingestion, it binds to fat in the intestines, preventing some fat absorption and dissolves fluids in the large intestine and forms a gel that binds with bile acids in the intestine. The outstanding point of Magilim is that it can delay stomach emptying and trigger satiety(a feeling off fullness) that will be helpful in trying to achieve weight loss.
Magilim contains Konjac glucomannan (KGM), a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of Konjac plant, which is a traditional Chinese food with a history spanning over two thousand years.
Magilim is good for people who want to lose weight or control their weight and keep slim. It also expels toxin and balance blood sugar.
- Toxin Expelling: Acting as a cleanser, konjac absorbs and then expels toxins from the intestines quickly. This process safeguards against gastrointestinal diseases and disorders.
- Blood Sugar Balance: It also monitors sugar consumed in the diet by releasing them into the blood gradually. This protects the pancreas from over-exertion, by normalizing blood sugar levels, this is not only helpful for diabetes, but it may also help prevent the development of diabetes and hypoglycemia.
If your sex life is suffering, you should know that you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men that are over 40 years have difficulties getting or maintaining erection. This could be referred to as impotency or erectile dysfunction (ED). It occurs with younger men as well.
- Revive boost men’s sexual performance.
- It dramatically increases libido.
- It relieves impotency in man.
- It releases waist pain and impotence of the limbs.
- It enhances blood flow and promotes stamina.
- It gives firm and strong erection.
- It increases the function of the body and releases the tiredness caused by superfluous sexual act.
Revive is a pre-herbal product that boost sexual performance. It enhances the relaxation of the corpora cavernosa and delays the lengthen period of the tunica albuginea, thereby increasing libido and sustaining erection firm enough for sexual satisfaction.
Scientifically, research has proven that this product boos the excitability of impulses from the brain and local nerves, hence allowing blood to flow in and fill the spaces within the tissue.
Sex is probably the most enjoyable parts of your life. It may enhance your relationship with your partner. Confidence is one of the biggest factors in sex appeal. Ask for Re-Vive, you will be on the right track to a better moment of intimacy.
Vigor Essential
Premier Tonic for Virtility and Vigor.
In modern society, mental or physical stress has serious damage to human health. As stress lingers, it may lead to momentary suppression of immune function usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression. By combining secrets of traditional Chinese medicine with modern pharmaceuticals technologies, Vigor Essential utilizes the benefits of science and nature to create a rapid, and safe vitality enhancement with all-natural ingredients such as Bombyx Mori L, trapang pep tidoglycolipid, and Cordyceps fermented mycelium.
Bombyx Mori L has been found to be rich in amino acid and vitamin. It can boost your libido and withstand the aging cell. Meanwhile, it can also prevent arteriosclerosis and hypocrinism. Trepang peptidoglycolipid has the functions of anti-fatigue and anti-virus to strengthen the immune system.
Health Benefit
- It reduces the inflammation of prostate.
- It improves sperm vitality.
- Vigor Essential enhances sexual performance and retard the mature of testicle by boosting the secretion of testosterone.
- It effectively restrains hyperplasia by strongly lowering the diatomic testosterone.
- This product relieves impotence by ameliorating the sensitivities of genitalia to dilate blood vessel and boost erection of the penis.
- It reduces free radical and makes you look younger.
- Remarkably delays the decrepitude of man and restores sex performance.
Cordy Active
Premier Tonic for Stamina and Vitality
This product is designed for balancing the function of the human body, boosting immune system, delay aging, anti-fatigue and boosting vitality. For long-term usage, it can help you treat diseases like nephritis, emphysema, asthma, cardiopathy, hypertension and weakness of sexual organ.
The main ingredients are Cordyceps sinensis, Zinc-accumulated yeast, powder of Vitamin E, and -carotin. Zinc, which can protect procreation system and is good for the eyes. Vitamin E and carotin are very good antioxidants. It’s functions have been widely known. Cordyceps sinensis, has a rich, two-thousand-year history. For generations, Cordyceps sinensis has been considered the premier agent in the Chinese culture for restoring energy, promoting longevity, and improving the quality of life.
Cordyceps sinensis is extremely rare, which grows primarily on the Tibetan plateau at altitudes above 14,000 feet and takes five to seven years to complete its lifecycle and produce the natural product. Due to the scarcity and high price of Cordyceps sinensis, its use was reserved exclusively for the Emperor’s Place. Traditionally, Cordyceps sinensis was so rare it was worth more than four times its weight in silver. It is also called “caterpillar fungus” because the fungus grows in moth larvae producing a caterpillar-shaped mushroom. Cordyceps became popular when record breaking performances by Chinese Olympic athletes was attributed to consistent use of cordyceps sinensis supplements.
Health Benefit
- It relieves nephritis, emphysema, asthma, cardiopathy and hypertension.
- It is effective for tuberculosis.
- It promotes healthy lung function.
- It helps to alleviate stress.
- Cordy active increases vitality and delays aging process.
- It is very good for elderly people.
Golden Hypha
Premier Tonic for Immune System Restore
Golden Hypha contains advanced immunomodulatory protein that restores immune system with the ability of boosting CD4 cells which could have been weakened due to the treatment of cancer and chronic hepatitis.
Natural flammulina velutipes contains very small amount of active ingredients: it contains only 2 / 10,000 of anti-cancer protein and Immune protein: and conngtains 3 / 1,000 of polysaccharide, EA6. Using natural mushroom and adopting Biotechnology, Chinese Biotechnological scientists of pharmaceutical University Invented an efficient method to culture it and received in mycelium rich of proflamin. FIP-five, and polysaccharide, EA6. The contents increase 200 to 400 times.
The function of bioactive ingredients of Flammulina Velutipes is as follows:
- Proflamin, and acid glycoprotein, has the function of anti-tumor, anti-cell-mutation and antioxidant. The anti-tumor effect of proflamin was studied with murine tumors. It was remarkably effective against the syngeneic tumors.
- FIP-five, its complete amino acid sequence can activate immune cell, boost immune system and fight against virus outbreak.
- Polysaccharide,EA6, protein-bound polysaccharide, can restore immune cells, cells of stomach mucosa, adjust and normalizes immune system. Oral administration (p.o) of the EA6 stimulated anti-sheep red blood cells (SRBC) antibody-producing activity of the spleen cells.
Health Benefits
- Golden Hypha restores immune system.
- It relieves side effect owing to the treatment of cancer and tumor.
- It relieves hepatitis and neurodermatitis.
Essential for Release constipation Syndrome
Theoretically, constipation can be caused by the slow passage of digesting food through any part of the intestine. More than 95% of the time, however, the slowing occurs in the colon.
Constilease is an herbal product with an evidenced function to improve action of the stomach and bowels (relaxing the bowels), kills bad bacteria, eliminates sewing and pains.
Constilease can decompose bacteria in bowels, activate action of bowels, activate action of bowels and accelerate easy movement in the intestural muscles, helping defecation, increasing water in the large intestine and soften hard feces. Meanwhile, it normalizes skin pigmentation, acne and skin disorders.
Constilease is a new product for constipation. It has been recognized in some developed countries including USA, Japan, Germany etc. Constilease is the only product that relieves syndrome of constipation without using rhubarb.
Furthermore, it helps women recover their beauty from the torture of constipation.
Health Benefits
- Constilease relieves perennial constipation and ordinary constipation.
- It effectively corrects the dysfunction of the digestive system.
- It relieves skin problem such as lack of luster, acne, pigmentation, and dryness of skin.
- It relieves halitosis, inflammation of throat, and soreness of mouth and tongue.
- It relieves fatigue, faint, anxiety, and cachexia.
- It also relieves slacking up of memory, neurasthenic, and insomnia.
Premier tonic for Self-Defense System and Anti-Virus
With over 5000 years’ history, 7000 herbs, Chinese traditional medicine is known worldwide. Reishi is the bright pearl among TCM herbs. Reishi means “herb of spiritual potency”. It has been used for more than 4000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is believed to be the oldest and one of the most respected medicinal mushrooms today.
There are 62 different varieties of the Reishi mushroom. The six most common types of Reishi are the red, black, white, purple, yellow, and blue Reishi. Red Reishi, used in our formula is the highest quality and the most studied of the Reishi varieties.
Reishi supports your body’s own natural immune system by promoting the activity of your antibodies and Natural Killer Cells.
They also destroy damaged or compromised cells that occur naturally within the body as part of the cellular regenerating process. Adults who smoke or smoke or who are frequently exposed to environmental pollutants can also derive significant benefits from Reish. It drastically reduces viral load and the activities of anti-bodies-antigen reaction (auto immune reaction).
Bird Flu is a serious disease, which is so dangerous to the health of human beings. Reishi Capsule will contribute a lot to fight Bird Fl.
Health Benefit.
- Reishi is an immune system booster.
- Anti-virus.
- Chemotherapy and HIV support.
- It reduces allergies and inflammation.
- Effective for the prevention and release bronchitis.
- It fights against fatigue and impotency.
- It lowers cholesterol.
- It stables blood pressure and reduces high triglycerides.
- It reduces altitude sickness.
- It also inhibits sickness.
- It also inhibits platelet aggregations to prevent arteriosclerosis.
Premier Tonic for stomach Health
Gastrifort is an old herbal formula that restores, balances the stomach and liver. It releases the symptoms and liver. It releases the symptoms of Chronic gastritis and atrophic gastritis. The main ingredients are Barbary Wolfberry, Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit, Royal-Jelly Freezing Dry Powder, Indian Buead, and Common Yam Rhizome.
Royal Jelly can remedy liver disease, pancreatitis, insomnia fatigue and digestive disorder.
Chinese Wolfberry is good for release of heat, relieves cough, and sputum. It can reduce the symptoms of body weakness, sexual apathy, stomach disorder, low blood pressure, anemia eye disease and stomatitis etc.
Chinese Magnoliavine fruit can be used to cure cough, wet dream and euresis.
Indian buead can reduce damp and dropsy. It can also cure palpitation caused by fear.
Common yam rhizome is a tonic for spleen and the stomach. It enhances the digestive system.
Health Benefit
- Gastrifort is effective for Chronic gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and dyspepsia.
- It relieves the symptoms of digestive disorder.
- It is effective for the treatment of chronic hepatitis.
- It restores the function of viscera and neurasthenic due to indigestion.
Cordy Royal Jelly
Premier Tonic for Reducing Blood Fat
Cordy Royal Jelly mainly contains cordyceps sinensis, gingko leaf extracts, and royal jelly freezing powder. Cordyceps sinensis is a powerful life enhancing tonic and an extremely effective and unique herb, it is highly beneficial to the body. Recent observations have shown that Cordyceps benefits the vascular system by improving blood circulation, and it helps to regulate blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle.
For many thousands of years, gingko biloba has been used in traditional medicine. One of the most well-known effects of gingko biloba has to do with blood circulation and gingko biloba is thought to have strong impact on maintaining normal blood flow and reducing tissue damage. In addition, it can help maintain optimum levels of oxygen and glucose in the blood flow extends to the brains as well, and gingko is thought to enhance memory by increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain.
Royal jelly freezing powder can lower blood fat, prolong life, protect brain, improve sleep, anti free radical and enhances beauty.
Health Benefits
- Cordy Royal Jelly enhances blood circulation.
- It helps maintain normal cardiac function.
- It lowers high blood fat.
- It prevents and relieves geriatric disease.
- It boosts memory.
- It maintains existing normal cholesterol levels AND.
- Promotes normal triglyceride levels.
Qinghao Capsule (Anti malaria product)
Artemisinin has a strong effect in killing plasmodium in erythrocytes to control malaria outbreak and symptoms rapidly. It is thought to affect the function of membrane mitochondria system. Artemisinin works on the ultra-sitructure of parasites in the erythrocytes phase, including working on the food vesicles. The parasites died rapidly due to loosing most of the nutrition and cytoplasm without supplement. The mechanism was unstable organic free radicals or other electrophilic media, which was produced by the peroxide bridge meditated by the free ferrous ions produced by haem metabolism, combined with paradise prot.
Increased fetal absorption was observed in pregnant mice in reproduction toxicology test. No teratogenic effect was observed.
Artemisinin is rapidly absorbed and extensively distributed in main tissues after oral administration. Human pharmacokinetic parameters: oral dosage 2 mg/kg, T max = 1.33h, C max = 0.71 mg/L, t1/2 = 1.57hrs.
Artemisinin is metabolized and excreted very rapidly.
All forms of malaria especially effective for treatment of falciparum malaria and multi-drug resistant malaria.
Two capsules as singles dose at the time of initial diagnosis, then 6, 24 and 48 hours thereafter (total course comprises). The oral dose may be taken with water.
No side effects reported on clinical dosage. Few cases of temporary reticulocyte subsidence are noted.
Arteminisin is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy unless the balance between safety and risk has been evaluated by doctors.
Preserve in well-closed, light resistant containers. Store in a dry and cool place.
3 years
Slimming Belt
Major Benefits
Slimming belt enhances the burning process of excessive body fat which helps you have a slim body shape together with weight reduction. It would be more effective along with a healthy food and simple and normal lifestyle.
The design for spiral vibration massage way is equal to a basic exercise effect. It is therefore most useful for persons not able to find time for exercises.
The product could be used under any kind of environment, yet it still gives you and the joy and pleasure as if you are taking a massage at home for relaxation.
Spiral vibration massage can strengthen the digestion process thereby ejecting the toxic substance that remains in the body. It also promotes blood circulation, endue freshness for the skin and let muscle restore elastic.
Do you want to have a nice shape? Do you want to lose weight faster? Do you want to flush out and eliminate toxins? Do you want to do more physical exercise without fatigue? Use Kedi slimming belt on those parts that need it most to easily burn calories, enhance metabolism, loose weight, ease muscle pain, waist, back and hips. It also helps to eliminate oxins and cellulites.
Dolphin Massager
- Dolphin massager is dolphin shaped. Its elegance and light design make it portable to use. The most important aspect of it is that it increases blood circulation, thereby increasing life span and general sense of wellbeing. Its other health benefits area as follows.
- STRESS RELIEF: It reduces stress after a day’s work.
- SOUND SLEEP: It induces sound sleep.
- ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE: It enhances athletic performance as it relaxes tight muscles after exercise.
- It strengthens the immune system.
- It stimulates the digestive system.
- It stimulates the digestive system and activates the urinary system.
- It normalizes blood pressure.
- It relieves muscle ache and banish fatigue.
Blood Circulation Instrument
Person with under listed diseases benefits from foot reflexology and blood circulatory instrument.
- Weight control
- Flu
- Chronic disease
- Hypertension
- Lower blood pressure
- Skin allergy
- Backache
- Rheumatism
- Splenic and gastric disease
- Insomnia
- Kidney disease
- Constipation
- Paralysis
- Stroke
- Lumbar extrude.
- Hyperplasia of prostate gland.
- Liver dysfunction
- Sexual function.
- Chronical diarrhea.
Foot massage is a Chinese traditional medicine treasure. There is a famous Chinese saying, “human foot is like a tree root, if root die, the tree will die; if foot is weak, human will be sick”, Chinese regards the foot as the second heart of human.
Foot massage is self-healthcare for everyone, even after your first treatment, you will feel rejuvenated and relaxed. The massage will increase blood supply to the rest of the body, it will ease pressure, reduce fatigue.
African people always wear sandal, while the feet are being exposed to the sun, rain, dust, bacterial and virus are being apt to be hurt, infected, so the feet need to be taken care of. Our Blood Circulatory Instrument is specially designed for African people.
Foot reflexology is meant to increase the health and well being in the whole body. It is based on the idea that all nerve zones begin in the feet, foot reflexology is thought to cue many ailments. By massaging certain areas of the foot, and applying certain pressures and stokes to areas, a practitioner of reflex zone therapy can provide many benefits.
Jointeez Pill is invented by a group of professors from Beijing (traditional Chinese medicine) Lou Yuqian Bone Disease Research Institute who used self-taught family prescription, combining with the national drug standards and modern production technique. After several years of research and development it achieved production approval document by the state and were listed in the national legal drug for treating Rheumatism and Ankylosing Spondylitis which cause bone, muscles, and body joint pain.
A joint is where two or more bones come together, like knee, hip, elbow, or shoulder. Joint can be damaged by many types of injuries or disease. This can result to pain, stiffness and swelling. Overtime, a swollen joint can become severely damaged. Joint disease is not a single disease; it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and it is generally affects elderly patients and people at a very early age.
The cause of joint problem is numerous. Joint can be traced to several contributing factors, including the following: heredity, age, overuse of joint, injury, infection and broken bone.
If left untreated it could cause disability, unresponsiveness, apathy, economically unviable and burden to family and society.
- Radix aconiti preparate (Chuanwu)
- Radix aconiti kusnezoffii preparata (Caowu)
- Flos carthami(Hongua)
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis fisch(Ganaco)
- Fructus chaenomelis (Mugua)
Specification: 1.5g per 10 pills
Product forms: pills (water pill)
Dosage: 10 pills twice, daily.
Do not take overdose.
Pregnant women should not take it.
Keep product out of the reach of children.
Not recommended for children under 12 years.
Effervescent TABLETS
V-Ca is a nutritious way of adding to the body’s supply of Vitamin C and Calcium V-Ca drink is a perfect way to start your day.
Health Benefits:
- V-Ca facilitates calcium absorption, making it more bio-available to the cells.
- V-Ca is important in many other critical functions such as the absorption of iron, stimulation of immune system and as an antioxidant to strengthen the immune system.
- V-Ca neutralizes potentially harmful reactions in the watery parts of the body, such as blood and fluid both inside and surrounding cells.
- V-Ca maybe useful as an immune stimulator and modulator in some circumstances. It promotes resistance to infection through the immunologic activity of leukocytes, the production of interferon, and maintaining mucous membranes.
- V-Ca increased intake is required to maintain normal plasma levels under acute emotional or environmental stress such as trauma, fever, infection, or elevated environmental temperatures.
- It helps you replace the Vitamin C lost through colds and flu.
Recommended Daily Intake:
Dissolve one tablet in glass of water (200ml – 300 ml), either warm or ordinary water. Do not exceed the recommended intake.
Diabetes Care
Diawell tablet is very effective for diabetes type 2, chronic atrophic gastritis, regulates blood sugar and reduces thirsty feeling. The main ingredients are Ginseng radix rubric (Hongshen), Rehmania glutinosa (Dihuang), Cortex phellodendri (Huangbai), Fructus lycii (Gouqizi), Ophiopogonis trafix (Maidong), Fructus schizanfrae (Wuweizi) and Coptis rhizome (Huanglian).
Traditional Chinese medicine identifies three types of diabetes: the upper depletion-thirst, and the lower depletion-thirst.
Differential diagnosis of syndromes is based upon three types.
- Upper-warmer depletion-thirst disease
Pathogenic heat consumes the lung yin, thus affecting the upper-warmer.
Primary manifestations: Severe thirst accompanied by dryness of the mouth and tongue, polyguria, reddened tip and margin of the tongue with thin yellow coating, full rapid pulse.
- Middle-warmer depletion-thirst disease
Excessive fire of the stomach consumes the stomach yin fluids.
Primary manifestations: Polyphagia, emaciation, constipation, slippery and strong pulse.
- Lower-warmer depletion-thirst disease.
- Yin Deficiency: A morbid state due to a defect in the kidney essence and consumption of the kidney yin.
Primary manifestation: Polyguria, turbid urine, dry mouth, reddened tongue with little coating, weak and rapid pulse.
- Deficiency of both yin and yang: A morbid state due to deficiency of the kidney yin and yang.
Primary manifestations: Severe polyguria, turbid urine, lassitude, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, impotence, dark complexion, pale tongue with white coating, and deep and weak pulse.
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogenous primary disorder affecting the processing of carbohydrates with multiple etiologic factors that generally involve absolute or relative insulin deficiency, insulin resistance or both. All causes of diabetes ultimately lead to hyperglycemia, which is the hallmark of this disease.
Diabetes is typically classified into Type I or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in which patients have little or no endogenous insulin secretory capacity, and Type II, or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, in which patients retain significant endogenous insulin secretory capacity.
Diabetes mellitus is known in traditional Chinese medicine as depletion-thirst disease, characterized by polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and emaciation.
Diabetes occurs in association with the following etiologic factors:
- The spleen and stomach are damaged by over-eating greasy food or by over-consuming alcohol, causing failure of the spleen in transporting and transforming which, in turn, causes interior-heat to accumulate and consume food and body fluids, finally resulting in diabetes.
- Anxiety anger, mental depression etc. Injure the liver, causing the liver qi to stagnate. Protractedly stagnated liver qi turns into a bad heat which consumes body fluids and eventually leads to diabetes.
- Deficiency in the kidney caused by intemperance in sexual life or congenital essence defect causes the kidney qi to wane; as a result, the kidney qi fails to maintain the functioning of the bladder in restraining urine discharge, thus polyuria occurs.
12 tablets at a time, three times a day, or as directed by your physician.
This product is not recommended for pregnant women.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Cardibetter is supportive of Yin & Yang, the key balance in TCM to allow the body to recover cardiovascular system function. It also helps to balance Yin & Yang, recover heart function, and soften vessels, clear toxins in the blood, improve peripheral circulation and focuses on the function recovery of cardiovascular system.
Cardibetter help to relieve chest pain, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow in coronary, aid in resisting lack of blood and oxygen, prevents platelet coagulation, helps sleeping and lessen anxiety. It also helps the heart to function well, improve blood circulation, effective for angina pectoris problems, hypertension, asthma, stroke, arthritis, rheumatism, hyperlipidemia, and organ damage etc. Cardiovascular diseases include illness that involve the blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries) or the heart, or both diseases that affect the Cardiovascular system.
Main Ingredients
- Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae (Danshen)
- Panax notoginseng (bark) (Sanqi)
- Bomeolum syntheticum (Bingpian)
- Not recommended for pregnant women.
- Keep product out of the reach of children.
- Please, do not use with alcoholic drinks, cigarette, cold and spicy or oily food.
Dosage: 3 tablets, three times daily.
Menstrual Disorder
Eve’s comfort is a Traditional Chinese medicine that is extracted from natural ingredient through modern biotechnology process. The Chinese patent Medicine is made from different kinds of Chinese herbs by experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Eve’s comfort is indispensable 100% natural product used by TCM practitioners for the prevention and management of women irregular menstruation with remarkable effects of maintaining and promoting menstrual cycle.
It’s a perfect gateway to good health for all ladies.
Eve’s comfort promotes blood circulation and regulates menstruation, effective for amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal and abdominal pain due to blood stasis during post-natal.
Suggested Usage: 3-6 Capsule at a time, three times a day, or as directed by your physician.
CAUTION: Not recommended for pregnant women.
Please consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product with other medication.
PELVIC INFLAMMTORY DISEASE (PID) is an infection of a woman’s reproductive organ. It is caused by bacteria that travel up the reproductive tract. PID can result in inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes which could lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy. PID can also lead to, long-term health problems if left untreated, and it can even be life-threatening.
Symptoms of PID:
- Unusual or heavy vaginal discharge.
- Abnormal uterine bleeding.
- Lower abdominal pain.
- Bleeding between periods.
- Back pain.
- Painful sexual intercourse.
- Painful and frequent urination.
Effective for treatment of:
- Inflammation of ovaries.
- Inflammation of uterine tracts and appendages of womb.
- Inflammation of endometrium.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Colon Cleanser Tea
China, the Homeland of Tea
China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea shrubs as early as five to six thousand years and human cultivation of tea-plants two thousand years ago respectively. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world’s total output. Tea producing companies in other countries have their origins directly or indirectly from china.
The development of the society has brought convenient life, nut at the same time it is a challenge for our health. Sitting in front of computer, spending less time on exercises, eating fast food, and all living in polluted environment etc. all these modern life habits would easily cause digestive problems which is caused by much waste and bad bacteria being attached on the folds of intestine for several days or even for years, and this is harmful to our daily life.
Colon cleanser Tea serves as a protector and cleanser for the digestive system.
- It cleanses the colon and gastro-intestinal tract.
- It detoxifies the body system.
- It eases stomach and intestinal peristalsis.
- It boosts appetite.
Refresh Tea
Do you always feel tired at work time? Do you feel it is so difficult to concentrate in the meeting or class? Do you always feel dehydrated even with less speech? Are you always exposed to long-time radiation from computer? Do you always experience sleepless nights?
All these problems come from the imbalance of yin-yang in our body, it is not caused by our work efficiency or personal working ability but with disorders inside our body.
Refresh tea is effective for the problems above and it is essential for our health and a happy life.
- It clears the throat.
- It makes you lively and smart.
- It clears internal heat and calms the body.
- It improves the functioning of the eyes.
- It is beneficial for the sight of computer users.