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Kedi Products/Drugs Additional Information - Cordy Royal Jelly

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Cordy Royal Jelly

Premier Tonic for Reducing Blood Fat

Cordy Royal Jelly mainly contains cordyceps sinensis, gingko leaf extracts, and royal jelly freezing powder. Cordyceps sinensis is a powerful life enhancing tonic and an extremely effective and unique herb, it is highly beneficial to the body. Recent observations have shown that Cordyceps benefits the vascular system by improving blood circulation, and it helps to regulate blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle.

For many thousands of years, gingko biloba has been used in traditional medicine. One of the most well-known effects of gingko biloba has to do with blood circulation and gingko biloba is thought to have strong impact on maintaining normal blood flow and reducing tissue damage. In addition, it can help maintain optimum levels of oxygen and glucose in the blood flow extends to the brains as well, and gingko is thought to enhance memory by increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain.

Royal jelly freezing powder can lower blood fat, prolong life, protect brain, improve sleep, anti free radical and enhances beauty.

Health Benefits

  • Cordy Royal Jelly enhances blood circulation.
  • It helps maintain normal cardiac function.
  • It lowers high blood fat.
  • It prevents and relieves geriatric disease.
  • It boosts memory.
  • It maintains existing normal cholesterol levels AND.
  • Promotes normal triglyceride levels.
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