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Kedi Products/Drugs Additional Information - Qinghao Capsule (Anti malaria product)

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Qinghao Capsule (Anti malaria product)


Artemisinin has a strong effect in killing plasmodium in erythrocytes to control malaria outbreak and symptoms rapidly. It is thought to affect the function of membrane mitochondria system. Artemisinin works on the ultra-sitructure of parasites in the erythrocytes phase, including working on the food vesicles. The parasites died rapidly due to loosing most of the nutrition and cytoplasm without supplement. The mechanism was unstable organic free radicals or other electrophilic media, which was produced by the peroxide bridge meditated by the free ferrous ions produced by haem metabolism, combined with paradise prot.


Increased fetal absorption was observed in pregnant mice in reproduction toxicology test. No teratogenic effect was observed.


Artemisinin is rapidly absorbed and extensively distributed in main tissues after oral administration. Human pharmacokinetic parameters: oral dosage 2 mg/kg, T max = 1.33h, C max = 0.71 mg/L, t1/2 = 1.57hrs.

Artemisinin is metabolized and excreted very rapidly.


All forms of malaria especially effective for treatment of falciparum malaria and multi-drug resistant malaria.


Two capsules as singles dose at the time of initial diagnosis, then 6, 24 and 48 hours thereafter (total course comprises). The oral dose may be taken with water.


No side effects reported on clinical dosage. Few cases of temporary reticulocyte subsidence are noted.


Arteminisin is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy unless the balance between safety and risk has been evaluated by doctors.




Preserve in well-closed, light resistant containers. Store in a dry and cool place.



3 years

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